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Eksperyment Calhoun'a

Spis cytatów ze względu na słowo kluczowe

Jeden z najważniejszych eksperymentów Fizyki Życia, ukazujący, że brak wyzwań stopniowo pogarsza zachowanie kolejnych pokoleń populacji. Ta degeneracja jest nieunikniona i kończy się wymarciem populacji.
Treść Tytuł Autor(zy) Ident / Data wpisu

Szukajcie wąskiej drogi i ciasnej bramy, która prowadzi do trwałego życia. Taką niewielu znajduje. A szeroka jest droga i przestronna brama, która wiedzie do zguby przez ciemności zewnętrzne. I wielu wybiera ją.

Seek the narrow road and the narrow gate that leads to lasting life. There are very few who do this. A broad is the road and spacious gate that leads to destruction. And many choose it.

Według łotra Wiśniewski-Snerg, Adam 9788374537155:98

Studies since then have consistently revealed that an absence of social stimulus and maternal care leads to a high rate of physical and emotional retardation and mortality. We may be born with the necessary wiring to become human, but lacking sufficient social stimulus, we cannot become anything at all. We only become human by mimicking other people. Roadmap to Reality Elpel Thomas J. 9781892784292:79

Nauczyć ich, jak osiągnąć wolność od tego, co jego dziadek nazywał kiedyś „rozmiękczającym i ograniczającym horyzonty wpływem miasta”. Ostatni taki Amerykanin Gilbert, Elizabeth 9788375107128:116

These examples demonstrate that socialization is critical to normal development of social animals, especially people. Without proper role models, children seem unable to relate to the world in a human way. Even after intensive socialization and language therapy, the children seem unable to grasp their relationship to the world. Their neurological development is incomplete. Roadmap to Reality Elpel Thomas J. 9781892784292:81

On some of these boat trips Father took passengers of a different species. In the Beagle Channel, and others farther south, there are innumerable islands, mostly rocky, but with a good deal of bush, grass and wild celery growing on them. Father realized that these islands, if stocked with rabbits, would yield welcome food for natives and for any shipwrecked crews who might be stranded there. Accordingly, he brought some rabbits from the Falklands. He took good care that they did not escape on the main island, nor did he release them on the larger islands in the Channel, lest they should become a pest to future farmers. But on any small island that he considered suitable he would land two or three pairs. Where there was good sandy soil and bush they thrived and increased exceedingly. Some years later H.M.S. Sirius anchored off one of these islands, and the whole ship’s company landed in two batches on consecutive days. Hunting the descendants of the couple of pairs set free there by my Father provided them with plenty of exercise, and over six hundred rabbits were caught – one for every man on the ship.

On other islands results were not so spectacular. Sometimes the rabbits were exterminated by birds of prey before they had had a chance to multiply; sometimes they found the land too wet or rocky for burrowing; and sometimes the natives hunted them with dogs until none remained.

Uttermost part of the earth. Tierra del Fuego's Indians and Settlers: A personal story. Bridges, Lucas 9789873723094:106

Ostatnie cztery żyjące dziko sztuki schwytano w 1968 roku i na jednej z prywatnych wysp szejka Zayeda założono stado rozpłodowe. Dziś liczy 500 sztuk i stale się powiększa. Na krańce Świata. Podróż historyka przez historię. Davies, Norman 9788324041695:149

Unchallenged, unexamined life is not worth living, as Socrates said. Evolution 2.0 Marshall, Perry 9781944648756:9

Chociaż uznawał fizyczny, sportowy wymiar wspinaczki, to w równym stopniu fascynowały go wyzwania intelektualne, ciągła konieczność podejmowania decyzji, rozwiązywania problemów i tworzenia strategii, których wymagało wspinanie. Kurtyka. Sztuka Wolności. Mcdonald, Bernadette 9788326826092:10


Odnośnik Opis
Description of Calhoun's experiment.
Pełny opis eksperymentu Calhoun`a.