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Physics of Life

Iterated Prisoners Dilemma

Description  Table of strategies 



Table of strategies  


Name Description R
Friendly Tit For Tat Starts by cooperation, repeats opponent's last choice N
Unfriendly Tit For Tat Starts by deception, repeats opponent's last choice N
Friendly Tit For Tat and Random Starts by cooperation, repeats opponent's last choice skewed by random setting Y
Friendly Pavlov Starts by cooperation, if won in last round does not change, if lost it switches the strategy N
Remorseful Prober Repeats opponent's last choice, but sometimes probes by defecting instead of co-operating. If the opponent defects in response to probing, shows remorse by co-operating once. N
Naive Peace Maker Repeats opponent's last choice, but sometimes make peace by co-operating instead of defecting. Y
Random Always set at 50% probability Y
Always Defect N
Always Co-operate N
Grudger Co-operate until the opponent defects. Then always defect unforgivingly. N
Adaptive Starts with c,c,c,c,c,c,d,d,d,d,d and then takes choices which have given the best average score re-calculated after every move N
Gradual Co-operates until the opponent defects, in such case defects the total number of times the opponent has defected during the game. Followed up by two co-operations. N




Example 1:


Example 2:

