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Physics of Life

Liberty International Conference 2017 Puerto Rico

Thanks to Guilford R. Robinson I can place here these very important notes to me.

Travel & Liberty

Mikey Arman


1st trip overseas was this organization's Bali conference at age 15. His experience gave him the insight that travel is analogous to Liberty. Says mixing business and travel enhances both. Went to Australia c family then on to Morocco, Ukraine, Spain. Is proud of his financial independence in his travels which are more extensive than listed above. The world provides many different opportunities for freedom. He says "Let governments compete for people." Speaks of constant travel as a form of Liberty.

Residency & Business Opportunities in Chile

Kenli Schoolland


"How to get dirty, filthy, stinking rich" is her favorite quote from another LI speaker (Lobby). Gives example of a friend in Chile originally from Venezuela. She says it's difficult for people to even leave Venezuela now. US government may confiscate your passport if you owe $50K back taxes. Increase freedom by limiting exposure to a single government. International diversification: Multiple income streams, assets diversified internationally, foreign residency and passports. Don't consider these only protection but also consider opportunities involved in these strategies. She went to Chile to work for company, Sovereign Man. Ease of residency is attractive in Chile. Few restrictions on entering and staying in country. It's attracting people from Venezuela and other countries currently. Five years of consistent residency qualifies you for a Chilean passport. Chile and Korea are only 2 countries whose passport gives visa free entry to all G8 countries. Her foreign bank account is not in Chile. States banks are often reluctant to take US citizens. Says there are 55K "Suspicious Activity" filed daily to US government. Estonia has an e-residency program.

The Unrealized: Even libertarians don't understand how destructive regulations are

Per Bylund


Regulations limit entrepreneurship via fewer and less valuable opportunities plus less innovation. Less growth means lower standard of living. Without government interference, society advance would be greater 'like in year 3500.' Broken window analogy is classically analyzed seen versus unseen. However, calculation of the 2 options is uncertain. Simply look at loss of value as immediate effect. It changes the immediate preferences of the window owner. Regulation isn't a temporary setback like a broken window is. It's a prohibition. Doesn't change preferences but reduces options. There's loss of value for every choice that doesn't include the prohibited but actually preferred choice. Under regulations the production chains are artificial in that they reflect less of people's true preferences. Loss of value due to regulations is permanent. Regulations always create artificial transactions chains. Bylund has written a book explaining this in more depth: The Seen, The Unseen and The Unrealized. The only regulations he's 'okay with are property rights.'

Land Reform for Latin America: Privatizing Public Land; Legalizing Private Land

Cris Lingle his facebook profile

He is frome where he actually is

Works at Universidad Francisco Marroquín in Guatemala. All students have 2 years of economics especially Austrian economics. (CLingle@urm.edu) is his email. Property rights are a central element of libertarianism. To us it's THE solution but to Marx it was THE central economic problem. It's a correlation of self ownership. Land rights evolve as response to higher payoffs from investing in more intensive land use. 'Neo-classical' economics sees regulations to achieve identified end states. Austrian economics looks at markets tools. 3 forms of land rights: Private, government ownership on behalf of collective and non-government and non-market collective (Ostrom). In the latter case, ommunities usually create solutions when governments are weak or nonexistent. His University UFM) spearheaded charter cities in Honduras but he thinks this isn't currently likely to progress. USA is virtually only country that recognizes subsoil rights. Why privatize public-sector assets? Governments rarely even know it's entire holdings much less their values. Give away public-sector land and other assets to activate idle resources. Have government agencies pay market rates from their own budgets to reduce waste.

Cris Lingle Blog

The Collapse of Socialism in Venezuela

Leonardo Brito his facebook profile


Runs Bastiat Society in Venezuela. Drastic changes in Venezuela in last 20 years. Describes business he previously owned that had to 12 employees. Had to close due to changes in country. Learned about liberty and Austrian economics only 3 years ago. Then formed the Venezualian chapter of the Bastiat Society. Says it started in schools long ago. "When you realize your government is socialist, it's too late." Says both political parties in Venezuela are socialist. Says 128 protesters killed in last few months. Says killings are deliberate because they're 'head shots' that kill the protesters. Says that 1M people protest daily in Caracas. A polish person asks 'What about jokes?' Says that's what he remembers about 'this stage of socialism.' Another asks why demonstrations are by young. Says no private property in Venezuela and that army essentially owns everything. Says some army officers have talked of need for a coup. Estimates that 10% of population eats from garbage sometimes literally lining up to go through garbage. Says he's been detained before. Can follow Bastiat Society on FB. Says a lot of oil production goes to China to pay debts. Questioner asks about China propping up Venezuela by loaning money. Says US oil sanctions will not hurt general population anymore than already since all the oil revenue is diverted to those in power. 3M people have left Venezuela mostly for other Latin American countries.

Seizing Opportunities unities: Spreading Liberty Amidst Crisis

Joe Milligan

Puerto Rico

Founder of Fundación Libertdad [http://www.fundacionlibertadpr.org] in Puerto Rico. Moved here from Michigan 3 years ago. His group is focused on making PR one of the ten easiest places on the world to do business. Looks to change people's perception of their relationship to government. Focus on ideas not people. Be factuality correct. Don't take anything for granted. He's especially referring to not assuming you know what others think. Address what matters to the person you're talking to. Focus on the power of personal stories. Don't be only a spectator. Doingbusiness.org is where ranking is located. PR is now more receptive privatization.

The Exception to the Rule of Law or the Corruption of American Democracy

Carlos Chardon and his Wikipedia profile

Puerto Rico

Talks of historical relationships between US and PR. Sees the relationship as based on an exception to law in force. He points out numerous historical exceptions to law. Basically if politicians agree then the 'exception' will happen. He calls this extra constitutional instead of unconstitutional.
PR is only part of US c 'triple tax exemptions.' Says 60% of Puerto Ricans are out of the labor force and that SSI is major factor. Thinks 90% of people here don't want to lose US citizenship.



The Economics of Fiscal Policy

Dan Mitchell his facebook profile


He presents arguments that he thinks politicians can understand. He talked about economic growth and how long it takes to double GDP, listing 5 ways government policy affects growth: monetary, trade, regulatory, rule of law, fiscal policy. Fiscal policy is basically spending and taxes. Large government requires either high taxes or high debt. Ideal is keep tax rates low. Compliance is much better if tax rates are low. Ideally tax only one time since everyone agrees capital formation is key to growth. This is an important issue since there may be 4 taxes on money directed to 'savings and investments.' If you immediately spend money, by contrast, then taxes are much less onerous. Also, the tax code should remain neutral wrt 'winners and losers. Initially federal tax code was 400 pages. Now it's 76k pages. Laffer curve exists. Progressives think peak maximum is ~70%? Regarding government spending, Rahn curve shows relationship between government as %GDP and growth rate of GDP. in 1870 advanced countries spent ~9% of GDP. Government expanded after the countries became wealthy. There are now >20 countries c flat taxes.

Blog is www.DanieljMitchell.wordpress.com. He writes daily entries.

Links to his articles about Switzerland:

Libertarian Philosophy and Libertarian Politics: Allies or Rivals?

Geoffrey Neale


Discusses debates in LP. Refers to the Dallas Accords of the mid-1970's. Options weighed by LP: education, specific issues, etc;. Utah convention of 1992 had a faction that said the LP is a political party and should concentrate totally on politics. Says in discussion c people overseas, Ron Paul is the most recognized libertarian who has influenced people worldwide. Emphasis should be to recognize that spreading libertarianism is 'sales'. When promoting libertarian ideas, identity what the person needs and explain libertarian solutions helpful to him.

Liberty in Puerto Rico

John Serrano

Puerto Rico

Executive Board Member of the College Republican National Committee. Originally worked in politics to promote Puerto Rica statehood. Now focuses on 'free market' issues. Says straw polls in PR Universities shows more diversity of political opinion than the more uniform progressive ideology that's espoused. Says straw polls show more support for statehood. Says the Republican Party doesn't run candidates in PR. Gun rights are restricted in PR. Cost of purchasing a gun legally can be over $1k.

Act 20 & 22: Are Puerto Rico's Tax Breaks for You?

Lobo Tiggre

Puerto Rico / USA

Legal Tax Reduction. PR enacted these in 2012. PR had a great natural deep water harbor. It was considered the keystone of Spain's American empire. Act 20: PR derived income is exempt from US income taxes. He reduced his tax burden by 60% in his 1st year in PR. His setup cost him ~$30K. The tax break goes to incorporated companies. Act 22 is a total CG's (0%) tax holiday until 2036. Applies only to CG in PR. Application requires $5k fee + $5k donation (annual) to a PR charity. PRIDCO.com is the government site that explains the program. He estimates there are over 10k filings for Act 20.

Jones Act: Unconstitutional Protectionism

John Carroll


Attorney and former Hawaiian legislator. Has filed a lawsuit challenging constitutionality of Jones Act. States Constitution guarantees each state have equal access to trade c other states and the Indian nations. States most recent of 2 lawsuits ruling against him was for lack of standing. States opinion of head judge suggested grounds for an amended refiling of the lawsuit that will better demonstrate economic harm and therefore prove standing. Jones Act in 1920 was to ensure a domestic industry but today, no such industry exists any longer. Also, during Gulf Wars, DOD didn't use any Jones Act ships to send materials to the Middle East.

Protectionism in Peacetime, What Enemies do in wartime

Ken Schoolland


The Economic Freedom of the World Index is a measure of the size of government, legal and property rights, sound money, free trade, and regulations. New Zealand grew very slowly after World War II. In 1984, a NZ election resulted in radical free market reforms. They ended all agricultural subsidies in 3 months, closed 3/4ths of post offices in one day, privatized railroads and deregulated ports, and ended currency controls. Title of the talk refers to a quote by Henry George in the late 1800's. He's referring to attempting to prevent trade with their enemies. In 1960, 16.9% of world shipping was US flagged. Today it's 0.4% of world shipping. Gulf coast shipped oil to NYC is $5-6/barrel. To go to Canada, it's only $2/barrel. Example is a lumber company in Sitka that shipped its lumber to Japan in route to ultimate destination in Seattle. Pride of America is being built in Germany for a Norwegian company. $880K lobbying costs got the ship an exemption to the Jones Act. Send a container LA to Hawaii is $8,700 but LA to Shanghai is $295. Bloomberg estimates that goods in Hawaii are 1/3 more expensive due to Jones Act. Economists in Hawaii have signed letter urging end of Jones Act. Points out that Jones Act diverts shipping to overland which has net increase in pollution increasing road congestion. Jones Act applies to barge traffic on rivers which increases the number of people adversely affected directly by Jones Act.

PR's Debt Crisis, Origins and Solutions

Marc Joffre


Works at Reason Foundation. Even in 1982, PR debt burden was 82% of "GNP". 1897 Spain issued La Carta Autonómica granting substantial self rule to PR. 1898 US soldiers occupied PR and established military government. Foraker Act restores civilian government. However only lower house of legislature was elected while upper house and governor were appointed by the President. Jones-Shafroth Act of 1917 established US citizenship for PR. It also established the triple tax exemption. PR public corporations go back to New Deal. On mainland, many New Deal programs dissolved but the PR public corporations persisted. Partly due to Rexford Tugwell being appointed PR's governor by FDR. Tugwell was a major architect of New Deal programs. 1952 Congress granted more autonomy to PR including popular election of their governor and upper house. 1/3 of PR's revenues are from federal government. US sends 6x as much to PR as it receives from PR in taxes. Most Caribbean nations also have debt problems. 400K population decline in PR since 2004 c another 200k loss projected. PR recession is closely related to the population loss. Should US allow Latin American immigration to PR to replace loss of population?

Human Rights in Cuba: Past, Present, Future

Maria Werlau


"Cuba Archive Truth in Memory Project" to document people who disappeared in Cuba as well as get an accurate story out about Che Guevara. Cuba ruled for 58 years by the Castro brothers. Other than N. Korea, Cuba has highest concentration in world of government control of economy. She relates that there is ample documentary evidence that Castro always planned to institute a communist system. 2M Cubans have fled mostly to US or Spain. Cuba allows self employment in 200 trades. They don't call it 'reform' but rather they call it 'system adjustment.' Private property is still prohibited in Cuba. There is growing 'state capitalism' of which the Castro family controls the greatest part. No amendments to the Constitution. Cuba's 'coverage ratio' of informants to population is probably as high or higher than it was in East Germany. It's a crime to slaughter your own cow s government permission punishable by 20 years in prison. Government is propped up by exporting its doctors. This is $8-10B/year. Family remittances est @ $5-6B/yr. Tourism is est @ $2-3B/yr. Exported labor is barely compensated thus is essentially 'slave labor.' Foreign investment has yielded minimal benefits to population because companies must invest c government controlled companies. Cuba has benefited from debt restructuring and forgiveness and ongoing bailouts. She says Cuba currently controls Venezuela. 'Maduro was trained in Cuba.' Cubans directly control many things in Venezuela. Some of the police suppressing demonstrators in Venezuela are Cubans. Attributes Cuban success in maintaining control is related to massive intelligence service and much attention to propaganda. Travel to Cuba is not banned. What is banned is spending money there. Expects Trump will partially roll back Obama actions. States another Castro is being groomed to take over leadership from Raul. Says Cuba is connected to FARC. She thinks Cuba is counting on more influence in Columbia via FARC. Points out that there are trade exemptions for agricultural products and medicines for US to trade c Cuba. Cuba must pay in cash. She says at peak in 1990's, there were 500 joint ventures c European companies. Many were shut down by Cuba when they gained access to Venezuelan oil. Says criminal gangs in Venezuela were basically formed by the government to foment social fragmentation. Rulers in Venezuela and Cuba see advantages to keeping people poor so that they will be dependent on the government. She says more Cubans trying to enter Guantanamo Base have been killed by Cuba than were killed trying to cross the Berlin Wall. Says her father fought against Batista under Che Guevara.

Individual Liberty: The Spinal Cord of the Wealth Generating System

Rigoberto Stewart his facebook profile

Costa Rica

The negotiation of the Free Trade Agreement between Central America and USA (CAFTA-DR) gave him the impetus to educate people about 'free trade.' For this, he wrote book(s) about the subject. More basically, he teaches that individual liberty is the key to wealth creation. The systems of exchange don't benefit participants unless they have discretion to decide terms of exchange. Wealth is all of the goods and services available from these exchanges. (Sounds like Adam Smith!). The breadth of exchange is a determinant of total wealth generated. The trade system allows each person to make their skills available to others. Trade provides better solutions to the consumption needs of the individuals. Facilitators that enhance trade include money and the market. Money facilitates exchanges over time and space which is very difficult c through bartering. Money also ends the needs for corresponding goods between two traders. Transportation facilitates exchanges. It broadens the area within which people can exchange. New players c with better solutions can enter the system and increase the wealth creation. Dynamism is characteristic of free market system. Property rights, trust and competition are required for system to work. Relationships must be voluntary; s no cheating or coercion should occur. Why this system? Value is subjective and can't be determined in absence of voluntary exchange. The use of force results in poverty. Restriction of competition is disastrous for wealth creation, but it is the first option in Latin America. In medieval Britain, Mercantile Law and Admiralty Law were initially private law but eventually taken over by the State. Latin America needs better recognition of these factors.

The US Federal Criminal Legal System is Irrevocably Broken

Paul Grant


5,000 federal criminal offenses. Many regulatory agencies can impose criminal penalties. 466 criminal cases filed in Colorado federal courts in 2015. All delivered verdict were convictions. >90% of defendants take plea deals. 20 of federal district courts in IS in 2015 had zero people found not guilty. In another 28 federal district courts there was only one person found not guilty in 2015. Unfortunately only 10% of people who go to trial in federal court win a not guilty verdict. This is stark contrast to state and local courts. Most federal cases have multiple defendants. This is used by USA's to extract desired admissions of guilt that fits the USA's view of 'the facts.' States PACER shows convictions and whether or not they provides "substantial assistance" which means a cooperating witness. Says there's much arrogance among federal judges. Originally jurors were the 'fact finders' in a case and judge 'found the verdict.' Eventually the jury was given the prerogative to find the verdict. He points out that jurors now are told not to search independently outside the courts for the facts of a case. Judges don't define the crime charged until the end of a case. Jurors also are not told the consequences for defendants of a guilty verdict. He describes the Zinger case of pre-revolutionary America in which a publisher was charged for exposing corruption by the royal governor of New York. Jury found Zinger not guilty even though judge in case told them that he the judge would determine the verdict.

Digging Deeper into Brazil's 2014 Presidential Campaign

Roberta Muramatsu [https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Roberta_Muramatsu]


Presentation is based on a paper she wrote a year ago c some colleagues. Talks of 'car wash operation'. Started to investigate drug dealers but it found that Petrobas executives and politicians were involved. Brazil has companies designated as 'national champions'. She sees the campaign finance of 2014 as a good example of why Austrian economics and Public Choice Theory are complimentary. The same industrial sectors made the most contributions to all 3 of the major candidates. Top 20 corporate donors financed 65% of the presidential campaign. Half of these corporate donors received $1B(US) from government. Thus companies profited from their contributions. Says Netflix should release a film soon about Operation Car Wash.



Promoting Open Borders in an Environment of Fear

Nicholas Sarwark


Says US attitudes about immigration have been schizophrenic forever c alternating periods of welcome and exclusion. First federal law for this in 1790 stated no naturalization for nonwhites. Says present US public opinion is not pro-immigration. He proposes immigration should adopt a shall issue attitude to potential immigrants. His analogy is that gun permits have gone from 'may issue' discretion to 'shall issue' requiring issuance unless there is identified reason. 'We can't plan freedom and we can't plan success.' This is his critique of the 'smart immigration idea.' It's another form of central planning.

The Imperatives for the True Libertarian.
From my personal story to general principles.

Jan Kuban Nom de plume – John Freeslow


Lived in USSR 1969-1973. Family had a small private flat in Poland. When moved to Moscow, he saw that Russian families of his classmates had a communal flat meaning one family per room with common kitchen and WC. On return to Poland at age of 14, he started to notice declining economy. A polish museum of socialism shows restaurant tables, plates and utensils secured to table so customers could not steal them.

Was in Switzerland from 1990-1991. Says every worker around him in Switzerland said "We work hard." The former secret services of Poland dominated the new businesses. After collapse of Polish socialism, it was discovered Lech Walesa had informed for the secret services. He has written a book "The Physics of Life". He calls socialism a trap that people willingly enter then find it very difficult to leave. This is from book Zapadnia by a Russian defector. 2nd core message is that government doesn't know its own economy and individual freedom is a threat to them. Do you know why you don't know the name of Switzerland's President? Guaranteed monthly income put to national vote in Switzerland last year. Proposal lost 77% to 23%. Subsidiarity is that people of a town choose who clears streets of snow every winter and the public officials only implement the citizens decision. Sir John Glubb wrote a book "The Fate of Empires". His point is empires self destruct. He lists 6 stages. Kuban thinks US is in last 2 stages which are stages of intellect and decadence. "We will work less and less and get more and more" This is quoted from Victor Suvorov. Kuban points out everyone has guns in Switzerland but it's one of the most safest countries. Ksiazki.pafere.org to get a copy of his book for free.



Permaculture: Empowering Individual and Community Self-reliance

Lucian Toma


Starts 2 games of everyone standing in a circle. The games were about "the power of an individual" and "the power of a group" Focuses on the example of his grandmothers both of whom had much self sufficiency built into their life styles. Explains principles of 'permaculture'.

Corruption and Liberty in Peru

Jorge Luis Hernandez


At least three out of four of the most recent peruvian presidents have been accused of corruption or are in prison. Corruption is not a cause, but an effect: the effect of having an intrusive state (government) or, more precisely, of the bad economy of law. In fact, corruption appears when there is a bad economy of law. Corruption breaks out when the costs of complying with the law exceed its benefits and, therefore, the citizen breaches or, better expressed, gives a bribe in order not to comply and not to be penalized for it.

Trade vs Plunder: Market vs Government

Hiroshi Yoshida his facebook profile


Accounting is more than numbers but is accessing quality of interactions. Plunder is when someone is not happy c an exchange. There are many taxes Japanese are subject to. He compares Taxpayers day to Children's day. Debt causes children's day to be much longer. In 2015, tax day is May 28 but children's day is July 2. Good accounting helps people determine which leaders should be retained and which should be replaced.



  • Japanese Children's Day is the day which the averaged Japanese should work to pay for whole government expenditure from new year day.

Purpose: Japanese government expenditure is too big to understand how big. Children's Day is the tool to open taxpayer’s eyes. Children's Day Tells taxpayers how big the government spendings are.

Important Japanese Statistics

These statistic shows the decline of the welfare state. It proves that John Glubb was right.


Resources and Nationalism in Mongolia

Khaliunbat Myagmarjav and his facebook profile


Lowest population density in the world? Mongolia grew at high rate until 2008. Populism has much bigger role in politics since then. Country has become more burdened c foreign debt since then. Politicians have promised 'free markets' but when elected they raised taxes and became corrupt.


Expansion of Economic Freedom and Growth Opportunities for Puerto Rico

Luis Fortuño

Puerto Rico

Governor from 2009-2012
He labeled himself a libertarian who doesn't trust his own government halfway through his term as governor which was put him on front page of newspapers. Corporate lawyer by profession. PR often suffers due to Congressional 'one size fits all philosophy'. Reduced government debt by 30% during his term. Says many people were initially mad. Taxpayer rolls increased by 100K when he lowered taxes. Did Economic Freedom Index for PR in 2016. Takes q93.5 days to register a property in PR. Ranking is just below Algeria on this scale. Usually takes 165 days to get a construction permit. Sales tax rate is 11.5% which is highest in US. need 20 permits to start construction. Worldwide average is 14.8. His foundation is called CRECE.

When asked what principles a good governor should follow he mentioned:

  1. Full understanding of economy
  2. Real private sector experience
  3. Understanding of the World - I have read the works of almost all great thinkers
  4. If a governor is not able to find the right people to cooperate with he is in big troubles

Raising Libertarian Children

Li Schoolland


Uses examples of how she and her husband demonstrated self ownership and respect for others during child rearing. They emphasized having their daughter make her own decisions even at a young age.

Enemy of the State

Toine Manders his facebook profile


Netherlands LP was formed in 1993. Says he 'was born libertarian.' Expected when he came to US to find a libertarian country but realized on arrival that US isn't really like this. Says in the Netherlands, government imposes many taxes but does this indirectly so that citizens don't know how much they're actually paying. First job as lawyer was to help young men avoid draft. The draft was suspended in 1996. He then decided to help small business persons. Gives example of how he used EU rules to help avoid excessive Dutch rules governing incorporation of a business. Also has concentrated on tax strategies, asset protection and estate planning. "Taxation is theft and tax avoidance is self defense" is a slogan he used. Press often sought him out for interviews about his opinions. Holland is a big tax haven for foreign corporations.
He makes the analogy that he was helping Dutch companies avoid taxes just like Holland helps foreign companies avoid taxes in their own countries. LP 'threw money from a helicopter' in the 2012 elections. They dropped 14 Euro notes c libertarian slogans over the largest public park in Amsterdam. Also projected on Dutch National Bank via laser, the word "Bankrupt" during the same campaign.

The Intersection between Wealth and Health

Kyle Varner his facebook profile


Dr. Kyle Varner
Starts by explaining his philosophical objections to Public Health. 1929-2007, the GDP and life expectancy have closely tracked together. Increased wealth starts c avoiding diseases of poverty followed by control of infectious diseases. More wealthy nations can then afford preventive measures and c more wealth there's medical specialization allowing more expert treatment of serious diseases. Venezuela and Chile have exchanged places wrt economic freedom and life expectancy has followed. He identifies Harvoni as a drug that couldn't have been produced except in a wealthy nation. Kalydeco affects Cl- channel and helps about 3500 cystic fibrosis patients a year in the US. CF Foundation Venture Philanthropy Model gets 100% funding from private donations and then funds research to help CF victims.

The Amazing Organic Growth of Patient Consumerism in Unexpected Places.
Medical Tourism in Cuba

David Vequist his facebook profile


CMTR (Center for Medical Tourism and Research) founder and director. Does work for governments and corporations. China is leading country for medical tourism. Health information search is one of the leading uses of the internet. Cuba has long promoted medical tourism but some other countries have higher medical tourism rates.

Little Known Health Care “Secrets”

Mary Ruwart her facebook profile


She states 1962 Congressional Act (Kefauver-Harris Amendments) has resulted in many premature deaths and decreased life span. This gave FDA 'almost unlimited power over pharmaceutical companies;' 50% of them went out of business in the first decade after Amendment passage. Companies previously decided what research to do before asking FDA to approve a new drug. After amendments passed, the time to approval increased from 4 years then to 14 years now. Estimated total lives lost due to amendment delays through 2009 is 6.7M. Exponential rise in development costs since 1962. Now about $1.5B out-of-pocket. Industry-wide capitalized R&D costs correlate closely with industry-wide retail price of new drugs, with an R2 of 0.94. Plugging this backward says that without the Amendments, the price of new drugs would be about 10% of today's prices. The withdrawal rate of pre- vs post-Amendment drugs is 2.2% versus 3.2%, respectively because of adverse effects not found prior to approval. Vioxx is a post-Amendment drug which caused most deaths and disability after approval. At least 25% of today's health costs, and probably closer to 55%, could have been avoided if drug innovation had not been slashed approximately 80% by the Amendments. For the best nutritional information to extend life, check out lifeextension.com. Oncolabinc.com offers the AMAS test for early detection of cancer (before imaging can pick it up). The ENOX-2 test tells you where the cancer started (http://oncoblotlabs.com/).

What are YOU going to do about it?

Paul Jacob his facebook profile


He was Arkansas LP state chair @ age 19 in mid-1970's. He refused to register for the draft and was charged. Went on the lam for several years then returned home and was arrested. "The limits of tyrantsare the limits of what their oppressed will endure." Quote from Frederic Douglas in 1857. Was imprisoned for 5.5 months for draft non registration. He says not many people were prosecuted. Has worked extensively doing petitioning for LP. Is a founder of US Term Limits. Says education is a must but not enough. 80% of people favor term limits. Now at Citizens in Charge which works to protect initiative and referendum processes. Currently trying to put on ballot measures to end civil asset forfeiture in 20 jurisdictions. Average forfeiture case is ($2,000. Says Alaska, Idaho and North Dakota may be best odds for initiative ending forfeiture. An initiative 'gets you on the agenda.')

Conference GroupK