How to be a millionaire? It’s
very simple: Move to
Terry Easton
The Real Philosophy of life - search for TRUTH & LOVE. (That's why we're here...) Happiness is
satisfaction of your need & goals. Think of Maslow’s Bottom-to-Top Hierarchy of Needs:
Physical/Safety/Belonging/Esteem/Self-actualization. There are 2 Fundamental Laws in the World: 1-Do
everything you agree to do, and 2-Don’t infringe on other persons or their property. But what is
Property? The 3 property levels are: you, yourself (primal property), your thoughts & ideas
(primary property), your stuff (secondary property). Wealth is a metaphysical concept! It’s not a
fixed pie but can be INFINITELY expanded. Wealth is an invention of your mind. Google made hundreds
of millionaires - and billionaires. It didn't exist 20 years ago. Socialists and Communists don't
understand this. They don't understand economics. They think that when you take a piece of the pie,
you are taking it out of someone else's mouth. They think, like Marx, that it comes from the
physical labor of people. Not true! It comes from the ideas of our minds.
Terry refers to Harry Brown’s book, How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World. Harry Brown defines
profits as increases in happiness by substituting one situation for a better one. We get
monetarily rewarded in life when we help another person achieve their needs (or wants). Your
profit depends on your ability to satisfy the needs of someone else. 99% of what anyone uses is
made by someone else, therefore we’re all 99% consumers. We all want stuff. We all have needs
and desires. Thus profit is your reward for satisfying the needs or wants of someone else. The
slogans "find a need and fill it" and "build a better mousetrap" are true.
Harry Brown said all life is selling, and gave 5 steps: Listen to others needs, Summarize
(figure out) their motivation, Present your solution, Answer their questions (needs) then Close
the sale (provide them what they want). Examples? Think iPhones, Google, the Internet. 7 future
technologies that can provide people's needs: supercomputer, biotech, nanotechnology, robotics,
3D printing, communications, cheap energy. Figure out what people want/need - then offer it (the
solution) to them. They will reward you with money.
Applied strategies: Always tell the story/hub-spoke company structure/virtual business/hire
contractors instead of employees/get a partner/sell time not THINGS: (Time is forever renewable.
For example, renting an automobile is a form of selling time, so is selling minutes of mobile
telephone usage.)
AmericanMediaCouncil: a US non-profit. 'Propaganda' for Freedom. AMC approach: partner with
non-profits, media, & funding sources to get their freedom-oriented messages on the air.
Works everywhere, in any country with ad-supported radio. Use free air time (unsold commercial
air time) to broadcast to everyone (instead of narrowcasting via the Internet). The AMC
WhiteBoard Presentation. See:
Applied strategies: Always tell the story/hub-spoke company structure/virtual business/hire
contractors instead of employees/get a partner/sell time not THINGS. For example renting an
automobile is a form of selling time.
AMC: Propaganda for Freedom. AMC approach is to partner c non-profits, media, funding sources.
Works everywhere. Free air time to broadcast instead of narrow cast. The AMC WhiteBoard
Presentation. AMC=American Media Council. Their point is to fill unsold ad space. This is the
implicit road to riches....